Scenario 1 – The Hijacked Brain

Today, in 2030, technological shifts have been rewiring society and transformed the lands-cape. Everything that could’ve been digitalised has been digitalised by now. Think of vertical farming, pharmaceuticals – whereby medical information will be uploaded onto the cloud – and even transportation, which became autonomous running on electricity and hydrogen.

Photo credit: Victor Tangermann – Brain chip by Neuralink

Also the way we perceive the regulation of personal data has been changed. Personal data is not only made accessible to official institutions but also to everyone who has access to the world wide web. This because society’s definition of privacy and freedom has changed. People are okay with giving up their privacy for the reasons of ease, fastness and conveni-ence. Neither laws nor issues are attached to the fact that everyone has got the right to gain control over people’s lives.

Neuralink recently sold the brain-controlling typing chip to Apple. At this moment of time, kids do not grow up with texting and typing anymore but with implantable brain chips that offload their cognition and augment their memory, which results in mind controlling devi-ces like PLX iPhones, drones and self-driving transportation.

We live in a society in which citizens do not care about privacy regulation, giving the tech industry total autonomy over data collection, its exchange and trade. In this free market where knowledge technology remains the economic driver, and data is being seen as the
‘new oil’, people do not have any power regarding the information that is being transferred. Tech companies make huge profits selling big data to brands but also to governments all over the world. Which come in handy as for example face recognition technology makes it possible to control the world’s social rating system.

This system started a few years ago in China, but soon, it took over the world and now in every country worldwide artificial intelligence (AI) is able to match faces to a database of billions of ID photos, which will mostly be used for security and government purposes, such as public administration and tracking wanted suspects.

Facial recognition offers more interesting possibilities that range from improving 3d films and video games to creating the ideal embryo. Hospitals are able to use Google’s online ser-vices to identify embryos as either good, fair or poor. Its algorithms are learned to diagnose diabetic blindness and identify the genetic mutations fuelling cancerous tumour growth.

And not only AI is helpful for newborn babies but it also serves as a powerful ally against curing diseases like HIV and Aids. These days doctors are able to construct a nuanced as-sessment of data in order to track patterns, predict the spread and the change of the many subtypes of HIV. Therefore, hospitals are able to create vaccines for this insufferable virus and many more illnesses. They are able to transfer these medicines on the cloud, and therefore also underprivileged people are in the position to be cured. As a result, humans live longer.

As we observed, AI is capable of great things but it also has led to manipulation. Current-ly the phenomenon Deep Fake Videos is being seen as one of the newest forms of digital media. The Deep Fake video is an ultra realistic fake video made with artificial intelligence software. With the help of this video people are able to ‘steal’ someone’s face by putting one person’s face on another person’s body while mimicking the source’s voice and gestures. This new way of communication is being used for political sabotage, propaganda but also to frame people for crimes.

Ecologically, the previous generations have left massive carbon footprints and a lot of was-te for our generation. Their efforts to live in a sustainable way did not improve our global ecosystem as much as they thought. This is the reason why the condition of our planet is in a critical state right now. Therefore the government decided to come up with extremely strict laws to avoid misbehaviour due to their subventions for farmers, to turn their production to a more sustainable level. And luckily this worked out, as 70% of the farm industry have vertical greenhouses nowadays. These eco-friendly houses are using AI algorithms to deter-mine the right amount of water, LED lights and nutrients.


To conclude we would like to full-fill the purpose and see in what way Louis Vuitton needs to adapt in order to stay relevant for the fashion market and its target group. Placing Louis Vuitton in this future world called ‘The Hijacked Brain’ means that it has to make some changes regarding their strategies.

Louis Vuitton is known for its highclass consumer base, also because of its herritage and stores worldwide where their consumers are able to gather their favourite looks and leather goods. In 2030, customers do not care about any privacy regulation. This gives Louis Vuitton the opportunity to have full autonomy over their customer’s brain data.

So, one of the core brand strategies Louis Vuitton should include is predictive technology. This sort of technology is able to recognise correlations between seemingly unrelated varia-bles. In order to stay relevant they should be an outstanding pioneer in collecting data. The implanted brain chips (developed by AI robots of Louis Vuitton) should be able to forecast with pinpoint accuracy what consumers will find stylish ‘that day’, for what occasion they need their stuff, the weather and geo location and their colour/size preferences. ‘Do they prefer an oversized fit that day, or true to size?’ Using this kind of technology will help Louis Vuitton to be more inclusive, as with these implanted brain chips it is possible to tailor for special sizes as well.

Additionally, in order to keep their consumers connected, instead of going to middle class brands, Louis Vuitton should start working with 3d printers and innovative products. This to be able to keep selling high quality stuff. All the collections Louis Vuitton produces should be made to order and it consist of smart and stimulated textiles. These textiles are either made of bio-fabricated materials grown in labs, cellulosic materials made from food waste, or chemically recycled textiles which are made from previously existing fibres such as cotton and polyester.