Scenario 2 – Off Grid

Where in previous years we were completely dependent on technology, nowadays people are no longer willing to turn a blind eye on their digital footprints. Activists are busy warning the world about the dangers of artificial intelligence growing beyond human control. This has led to a growing disenchantment towards authorities. The basis of trust in central insti-tutions is breaking up, simply because they are not able to offer any security. As a result, peo-ple are starting to live off grid longing for a life without the rise of technology, fully based on personal privacy.

Photo credit: Justin Sullivan – Privacy protest against Facebook Founder Zuckerberg

We live in a world where there is no spread of any digital knowledge. This because society’s definition of privacy and freedom has changed. Citizens have total control over their own personal identity and their data use. The access to personal data is illegal, even for official institutions and tech companies. Whereas in the past the General Data Protection Regulati-on (GDPR) was implemented, now everything that is being shared is homomorphic encryp-ted. Homomorphic encryption is a method of encrypting data that can be analysed without being decrypted. This, in theory, means that only the creator of the data can decrypt it, and they would never have to worry about people hacking their private documents or messages.

This tech backlash has an influential role in today’s world’s economy as well. While many advancements of global welfare have been made, there is an overpowering feeling of discon-tent among citizens towards the economic system. People have turned their back on the big companies and have their focus on more old fashioned craftsmanship and local businesses. Long lost human traits are making a refreshing comeback.

Consequently, a new wave of businesses are rethinking the way their products are designed and brought to the market. These trust-first businesses and technologies are innovating to meet the customer expectations in order to retain their trust. To meet this, it is mandatory for businesses to use the Cambridge Blockchain. This platform allows companies to put con-trol of personal identity data back in the hands of the end user.

A lot of people are even going a step further than only applying privacy controlling laws. More than over 55% of the world’s population is living off grid. For these people, data is still too ubiquitous and they actively chose to avoid the digital ecosystem or in some cases even hide from it.

They become self-sufficient, only consuming local products without being dependent on products of the utility companies, which basically means not having to continuously disclose their location and compromise their privacy.
However, compromising your privacy both includes cons and pros. As people living off grid having so much privacy, they are completely isolated from the rest of the world. They live in their own bubble and the whole community is encouraged by the so called no sharing men-tality. This causes people to become anti-social.

As well as it changes their social capabilities and their way of living, it also changes the ecosystem, on a positively level. Living off grid, means living in a non-wasteful way. Elec-tricity tends to not be wasted when the elements and the finite capacity of storage batteries are being relied upon. Excess garbage is not produced when there are no curbside pick-up services. And water is not wasted if the well produces a limited flow, or the water has to be carried to the house.

This makes it not only beneficial for the person’s wallet but also for their mental and physical well being. These people are in a position to rely on their own resources and capabilities to solve their own problems without having to worry about people watching their back all the time.

They make their own biological food without consuming processed foods containing harm-ful ingredients like refined sugar, trans fats and artificial colouring. Hyper consumerism dimmed down because people are encouraged to spend their money only on things that will make money or make their life better, on long term. They save money, without having to worry about their financial state. All this combined will naturally improve their quality of life, which eventually will lead to the fact that people will live longer.


And as well for scenario one as for scenario two, we need to conclude in what way Louis Vuitton needs to adapt in order to stay relevant for the fashion market and its target group. So placing Louis Vuitton in this future world called ‘Off Grid’, means that it has to make some changes regarding their strategies, as well.

In the ‘Off Grid’ world, customers are no longer willing to turn a blind eye on their digital footprint and care a lot about their off grid position in society. Hyper consumerism dimmed down because people are encouraged to spend their money only on things that will make money or make their life better, on long term.

Therefore, it is very important for Louis Vuitton to centre their collections around well- crafted, traditional and natural materials that can be worn for long periods of time. Their collections should be made available through either slower cycles on resource availability and seasonal needs. Or eve through pre-designed templates. In this way Louis Vuitton encourages inclusivity as with these templates every customer has the ability to redesign their favourite stuff – including their own size, colour and material preferences – with their own resources, without having to worry about any waste material.

Strategy wise, Louis Vuitton should be focusing on its retail experience. This because people living off grid don’t have access to any online marketing campaigns or social media plat-forms. So, when they enter the shop, once a year, they should be extremely pampered with the best customer experience. Also, offering yearly product subscriptions with their pro-duct preferences, to customers, would be a great option to take into consideration. This will encourage their customers to stay connected to the brand, without having them to enter the shop or to be socially involved.